Try Our 50 Minutes of Heart-pumping Sweat Class

If you’re ready to feel stronger, leaner, tougher and more confident – we can help you. Book into our signature Sweat class – it is 50 minutes of heart-pumping, fat burning fun. You will be surprised just how sweaty you can get and how fit you will become!

Sweat is your high-intensity interval training session. You will rev up your metabolism, burn body fat and see your athletic performance improve. All you have to do is show up. We take care of the rest.

Try Sweat today for only $7…

You’ll see why our members get results and keep coming back for more!

Athletic Performance & Fat Loss Training

At Soultrain we use a fun and challenging training method to supercharge your cardio fitness, help you strip body fat, and unlock your athletic potential. This training method is called Metabolic Conditioning (MetCon).

What is MetCon?

There are three pathways that fuel the body during exercise; The immediate Energy System (Anaerobic), Intermediate Energy System (Anaerobic Lactic), and Long-term Energy System (Aerobic). Metabolic conditioning aims to make your body more efficient at burning energy in all three of these energy systems, helping you become a better athlete or develop your desired physique.

What are the benefits of MetCon training?

• Burn the maximum amount of calories in the minimum amount of time

• Change your body shape, tone up and get stronger by increasing lean muscle

• Turn yourself into the most well-rounded and strongest athlete possible

• Boost your metabolism for continued fat burning post workout (the afterburn effect)

• Spend less time in the gym and more time doing other things that you love

MetCon Sweat Sessions at Soultrain

We deliver three completely different interval style classes that combined strength and cardio-based conditioning, performed at varying intensities.

These workouts can burn up to 700 calories in just one class, and have been designed to create an oxygen deficit that forces your body to burn fat at an accelerated rate for hours afterwards (afterburn effect).

The Afterburn Effect
RED ZONE Anaerobic

First Gear
High Intensity
Short Duration/Bursts
Immediate Energy

GREEN ZONE Anaerobic Lactic

Second Gear
High to Medium Intensity
Short Term Energy


Third Gear
Medium to Low Intensity
Longer Duration

Sweat Classes


The fastest and most powerful system. Think 10 to 40 second bursts of explosive work grouped with a long rest period, so you can fully recover then give it everything you’ve got all over again!


Get ready to feel the burn as this class focuses on developing your lactic acid threshold. Think 40 second to 4 minute bursts of intense work, grouped with a short-to-medium recovery period.


Hustle and Grit! You’ll need to have both of these qualities to own this workout. This class targets the aerobic energy system. Think 4+ minutes of solid work grouped with short rest periods.

Try Soultrain today for only $7

Best thing to do is try Soultrain for yourself. See why we’re known for delivering one of the best group fitness training classes in Sydney. No obligation to continue. No pushy sales people chasing you. Just personalised attention and fun, sweaty classes in a supportive team environment.

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